(reformat) all of your remaining suspect backup floppies. (hard drives and floppies), then do a new full backup, and finally erase infected, we recommend that you first disinfect all of your other disks not recognized by Disinfectant. If you suspect that your backups are These applications usually write their backups in a special format which is produced by most of the various hard disk backup utility applications. • Disinfectant cannot be used to check the backup floppy disks or tapes  them and check the unpacked files. want to make certain they do not contain infections, you must unpack converted or archived by some similar utility. If you have such files and have been compressed with PackIt, or if they have been compressed, archive, if they have been converted to a text file with BinHex, if they • Disinfectant will not detect infected files if they are part of a StuffIt  time. Please be patient. “Please wait” while it does this preloading, which can take quite some shuffling” on these systems. Disinfectant displays a dialog telling you to Disinfectant needs to do scanning from the disk. This minimizes “floppy When you eject the virus tools disk, we preload the information  to insert the disks you wish to scan or disinfect. Click on the Eject button to eject your startup disk. Use the floppy drive floppy drive. Start up and run Disinfectant from your virus tools disk. • Disinfectant may be used on Macs with no hard drive and only a single  person simultaneously. • Disinfectant may be installed on a server and used by more than one  advice on what to do if you get an error message. Messages” for detailed information on what each message means and for message is issued. Consult the section in this document titled “Error for Disinfectant to properly repair such a file, an appropriate error special cases, Disinfectant is able to repair the files. If it is impossible possible for a file to be infected by more than one virus. In most of these be run at all and sometimes viruses only partially infect files. It is also • Viruses sometimes damage applications in such a way that they cannot  scan. problem is not serious. It is annoying, but it does not interfere with the and flashes an alert intermittently while scanning with Disinfectant. The When scanning over TOPS, we have noticed that TOPS sometimes beeps  servers. this special version of the virus tools floppy only for scanning AppleShare contains a copy of Apple’s “Desktop Manager” startup document file. Use can avoid this problem by creating a special virus tools floppy that hang during the process of building its version of the Desktop file.) You the server using your regular virus tools disk (the Finder will bomb or contains a large number of applications, it may not be possible to start up kind of “Desktop” file than is used on regular disks. If the server disk One problem with AppleShare server disks is that they use a different  AppleShare server disk. over a network. This is also the only way to scan the Server folder on an problems. Scanning a local disk is also much faster than scanning a disk to avoid file busy errors, insufficient privileges errors, and other using the Mac to which they are directly connected. This is the only way that you remove servers and shared disks from production and scan them disks on a TOPS network. For the best results, however, we recommend • Disinfectant may be used to scan AppleShare server disks and remote  enough memory to load them and check them for viruses. applications use surprisingly large resources and Disinfectant must have partition. The large memory partition is desirable because some the preferred partition and you will have to run with the smaller minimum Macintoshes running MultiFinder, there is not enough memory to allocate 700K and a “minimum” memory partition of 400K. On 1 megabyte • Under MultiFinder, Disinfectant has a “preferred” memory partition of  be infections and will not try to delete them on disinfection runs. does, however, recognize these “inhibitors.” It does not consider them to in an attempt to prevent future infections. Disinfectant does not do this. It • Some other anti-viral tools add special “inhibitor resources” to files  to make them easy to find in the report. error messages and messages reporting infected files begin with “###,” summary at the end of the report tells you if there were any errors. All and errors on attempts to disinfect “busy” and “damaged” files. The reports disk full errors on attempts to save files, out of memory errors, • Disinfectant tries to perform careful error checking. E.g., it properly  in HFS format. 400K floppies are usually in MFS format, whereas other disks are usually • Disinfectant can scan and repair both MFS and HFS disks. Single-sided  preferences window to specify which applications own saved text files. window and you must type four character creator types in the You must use the Drive and Eject buttons to select a disk in the main do not support popup menus and, in this case, Disinfectant disables them. which applications should own saved text files). Systems earlier than 4.1 method for selecting a disk) and in the preferences window (to select • Disinfectant uses popup menus in the main window (as an alternate  options” section of the preferences window is inactive (grayed out). Disinfectant does not attempt to use it. In this case, the “Notification Systems prior to 6.0 do not support the Notification Manager and is discovered or if Disinfectant requires attention for some other reason. 6.0 and later, the Notification Manager is used to notify you if an infection • Disinfectant can scan in the background under MultiFinder. With System  • Disinfectant is 32-bit clean and may be run under AUX.  memory, System 3.2 or later, and the hierarchical file system (“HFS”). • Disinfectant can be run on any model of Macintosh with at least 512K of  help facility, admire the about box, etc. help window, adjust options in the preferences window, use the online another scan while a scan is in progress. You can read the document in the continue in the background. You can do just about anything except start and switch to some other application under MultiFinder and the scan will and you can use MultiFinder application switching. You can start a scan multiple windows open at the same time, you can use desk accessories, • Disinfectant is “modeless.” This means several things. You can have  management, as presented in their Human Interface Note number 6. For example, we religiously adhere to Apple’s rules for window tried to follow Apple’s human interface guidelines as closely as possible. possible to use so that even novices will be able to utilize it. We have • One of our major design goals was to make Disinfectant as simple as  this document and take it seriously. cases we do not handle properly. Read the disclaimer at the beginning of files is quite complicated and it is highly likely that there are some rare • It is very important to realize that detecting and repairing infected  technical topics, and other miscellaneous items. In this section we discuss various advanced features of Disinfectant,   åSpecial Features 2 2  ˇˇ